Equitrac Software
Equitrac Software
Equitrac software enables unparalleled visibility and control of a company’s printing output. This powerful, easy to use printer management software helps companies to gain control and easily manage their printing, aiding them to reduce costs, increase document security and ensure environmental targets are met.
Equitrac delivers these benefits by enforcing a variety of print rules that can be personalised to each company, by department and by user. The software authenticates users (a process which validates and identifies each user) which allows for better forecasting, management of a company’s budget, allowing for document costs to be easily allocated.
By implementing Equitrac on your printer fleet, all traditional print servers are reduce to a single server, which means your users have to select just one print queue, reducing print traffic by up to 50% for your organisation; saving your staff a great deal of time.
What can Equitrac do?
There are many different ways to use this software. Our IT specialists can advise which features should be implemented to most benefit your business.
• Track how users interact with printers – by establishing permission-based access to printers, those who are in charge of the printers are able to see who is the most or least responsible with their printing behaviours.
• Allocate document costs to a department/office – Allows companies to re-coup the costs of printing, through charging departments for their print output. This encourages departments and individuals to be more responsible for what they are printing.
• Set up printer rules to save toner and paper – You can use Equitrac software to enforce certain rules such as automatic duplexing (double sided printing), only printing in black and white (unless specifically requested), and removing the ability to print emails or website pages.
• Make printing convenient and secure – with the permission-based access, Equitrac can require users to log in to the device to release their print jobs. This increases security, as it means that un-claimed jobs aren’t just left on the printer, but it also reduces queues at the printer, which are caused by users pressing print on multiple documents, creating a print queue which leaves other users unable to print their jobs when they need them.
• Redirect print jobs to more cost-effective devices – if your company has a fleet of different devices, Equitrac is able to divert jobs to the most cost-effective printer for the selected job. For example, large documents can be sent to a high-volume multifunctional printer, which is cheaper and faster than a smaller desktop printer. The redirect feature, also helps to re-route jobs if the preferred printer runs out of paper or experiences an error, meaning your printing will always be done quickly and efficiently.
Ideal solution for any office environment, from small businesses with a single print server to multi-location enterprises with hundreds of print servers. It is supported on Windows, Linux, Unix, NetWare and Macintosh workstations and is available on all devices provided by Midshire, including:Ricoh, Sharp, Lexmark, RISO, Toshiba and HP
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