Sign In System
Sign In System
Sign in systems are quickly replacing traditional sign in books in many businesses and educational establishments. They are not only a more efficient way of ensuring that all students and staff are in school or work at the right time, they also create an impressive first impression for visitors, as well as reducing administration time for receptionist staff. The advanced software of a sign in system allows visitors, staff and students to sign in directly, notifying the person they are coming to visit, without the need for a receptionist’s input.
With GDPR coming into force on 25thMay 2018, the control of personal data is given back to individual. So, the use of a sign-in book, which is often left open for anyone to look at when they’re waiting in reception for a meeting, will no longer be acceptable. The only way to be compliant, whilst knowing exactly who is in the building at any one time is through the adoption of a cloud-based sign in system, which has each individual’s data locked down and only accessible by the individual and members of staff that need to process the data.
With a sign in system, you no longer have to find a clock to write your sign-in and sign-out time, the system does all that for you! Additionally, if you have pre-booked the meeting, the company could auto-populate the system, so all you need to do is enter the first few letters of your name, and type your car registration in, and you’re all signed in!
Benefits of Sign In Systems:
A touchscreen located in the reception area welcoming visitors / staff / students and enabling for quick sign- in to the school or business premises.
- Reception staff are able to administer the system with ease; making day-to-day site access a simple process
- A connected webcam and thermal printer lets your reception staff take a photo of the visitor and print out an ID badge, which can then be used to sign out too.
- Pre-populate the system so your visitors’ sign in process is even faster.
- If you are a regular visitor the system will remember your details, saving time when signing in.
- The system will automatically time stamp the sign in process, so the user no longer has to look around for the clock.
- A secure database that can be accessed by the receptionist to search, manage and print reports of visitors and staff
- Simple notification process to tell staff that their visitor arrived; either by email or SMS.
Sign in System to help with emergency evacuations
Sign in Systems ensure you are aware of who is on the premises at all times. InVentry Sign In System, which is sold by Midshire, has a Fire Evac app which allows you to access a real time copy of everyone who is onsite, from any mobile device. This app can be given to fire marshals and senior management teams and it can be opened on as many devices as needed. The system enables relevant members of staff to have an accurate log of who has been checked off and registered, even displaying photos for ease of use.
Sign in Systems for Businesses
Far too many businesses today are still reliant on an old-fashioned visitor book to manage and safeguard their business premises. This is an out-dated process that provides little benefit to a business, often it is used because ‘everyone else has one’.
With a sign in system, you are able to see everyone that is in, absent or expected at your business at the click of a button, so people that are repeatedly late can be tracked instantly. It also allows an access of full visitor and contractor activity without the need to check through piles of paperwork.
Sign in Systems for Education
Sign in systems for education speed up the sign in process and keeps identity information secure, leaving schools’ feeling confident that their pupils and staff are safe. The systems don’t just improve site security; they also it simple for users to sign in, and ensure information is easier to gather and collate for analysis at a later date.
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