Ricoh MP C6004
Product Overview
Product Overview:
Ricoh MP C6004![Ricoh Printers Logo]()
The Ricoh MP C6004 is the fastest in the new A3 Ricoh Photocopier range at 60 pages per minute. This feature-rich MPF comes with single pass or automatic revers document feeders, allowing users tone much more productive while producing documents that are far more professional looking than ever imagined.
The Ricoh MP C6004 offers advanced connectivity, meaning you can connect to your device from your mobile devices, not just your computer. Operate this Ricoh photocopier from mobile devices including Apple and Android phones and tablets, enabling access and printing from virtually anywhere. You can scan and save documents in full colour to emails, portable media and folders, increasing workflow.
This Ricoh photocopier is environmentally friendly. It’s staple-less stapler means that you don’t have to remove staples from documents before recycling, and its human detection sensor means the device wakes up when you approach, saving electricity when it’s not in use.
Its 10.1″ Smart Panel Screen offers a whole word of applications, designed to create a seamless user experience. Download and install apps from the Ricoh Application Site as well as apply updates and firmware.
Further increase productivity with internal and external finisher options such as the booklet and hybrid finishers, giving you stapled finish options. The possibilities are endless with this Ricoh photocopier.
Features & Benefits of the Ricoh MP C6004![Ricoh MP C6004 photocopier]()
• Incredibly fast 60ppm print output
• 10.1 inch smart operation panel
• High paper capacity (Max. 4,700 sheets)
• Built in duplex unit
• Single pass duplex feeder
• Human detection sensor
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